Genre: Classical Antiquity

Found 60 books in total
The Art of Poetry an Epistle to the Pisos
The Art of Poetry, also known as the Ars Poetica or Epistle to the Pisos, is a poem...
The Argonautica by Rhodius Apollonius
The Argonautica, written by Apollonius Rhodius in the 3rd century BCE, is an epic poem...
The Agamemnon of Aeschylus
The Agamemnon, by Aeschylus, is the first play in his renowned Oresteia trilogy. It's...
The Aeneid
The Aeneid, written by Virgil between 29 and 19 BC, is a Latin epic poem that tells...
The Acharnians
The Acharnians, by Aristophanes, is a hilarious and satirical play performed in 425 BC...
Tacitus The Histories, Volumes I and II
Tacitus' The Histories , covering Volumes I and II, delves into a tumultuous period in...
Tacitus on Germany
Germania , written by Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus around 98 AD, is an...
Roman Farm Management The Treatises of Cato and Varro
Roman Farm Management: The Treatises of Cato and Varro is a compilation of...
Politics A Treatise on Government
Aristotle's Politics , a cornerstone of Western political philosophy, explores the...
War-Weary Farmer: Trygaeus, a weary Athenian farmer tired of the Peloponnesian War,...
Lysistrata by Aristophanes is a bawdy and hilarious ancient Greek comedy that takes a...
the lliad
L'Iliade (The Iliad) by Homer is an epic poem that recounts a pivotal portion of the...
Hippolytus; The Bacchae
Euripides, a famous Athenian playwright, wrote two tragedies that explored the...
Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
Attributing the entire collection of Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns, and Homerica to Hesiod...
Georgicon by Virgil
The Georgics, by Virgil, is a didactic poem written in four books, offering...
Four Plays of Aeschylus
Four Plays of Aeschylus is a collection of four ancient Greek tragedies written by...
Ovid's Fasti , also known as The Roman Calendar , is an extensive poem that explores...
Dio's Rome, Volume 5
Cassius Dio's massive historical work, Dio's Rome, covers a vast period of Roman...
Dio's Rome, Volume 1
Cassius Dio Cocceianus's historical work, often simply referred to as Dio's Rome , is...
De Bello Gallico and Other Commentaries
De Bello Gallico and Other Commentaries by Julius Caesar is a compilation of his...
Commentarii de Bello Gallico, Libri V-VIII
Commentarii de Bello Gallico (Commentaries on the Gallic War), Books V-VIII by Julius...
Cicero's Tusculan Disputations
Cicero's Tusculan Disputations, written around 45 BC, is a philosophical work...
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