- Africa
- African American Writers
- Ainslee's
- American Revolutionary War
- Anarchism
- Animal
- Animals-Domestic
- Animals-Wild-Birds
- Animals-Wild-Insects
- Animals-Wild-Mammals
- Animals-Wild-Reptiles and Amphibians
- Animals-Wild-Trapping
- Animals-Wild
- Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Architecture
- Argentina
- Armour's Monthly Cook Book
- Art
- Arthurian Legends
- Astounding Stories
- Astronomy
- Atheism
- Australia
- Banned Books
- Barnavännen
- Bestsellers, American, 1895-1923
- Best Books Ever Listings
- Bibliomania
- Biographies
- Biology
- Bird-Lore
- Birds, Illustrated by Color Photography
- Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine
- Boer War
- Botany
- British Law
- Buchanan's Journal of Man
- Buddhism
- Bulgaria
- Bulletin de Lille
- CIA World Factbooks
- Camping
- Canada
- Canon Law
- Celtic Magazine
- Chambers's Edinburgh Journal
- Chemistry
- Child's Own Book of Great Musicians
- Children's Anthologies
- Children's Biography
- Children's Book Series
- Children's Fiction
- Children's History
- Children's Instructional Books
- Children's Literature
- Children's Myths, Fairy Tales, etc.
- Children's Picture Books
- Children's Religion
- Children's Verse
- Christianity
- Christmas
- Classical Antiquity
- Contemporary Reviews
- Continental Monthly
- Cookbooks and Cooking
- Crafts
- Crime Fiction
- Crime Nonfiction
- Current History
- Czech
- DE Drama
- DE Kinderbuch
- DE Lyrik
- DE Prosa
- DE Sachbuch
- Detective Fiction
- Dew Drops
- De Aarde en haar Volken
- Donahoe's Magazine
- FR Beaux-Arts
- FR Biographie, Mémoires, Journal intime, Correspondance
- FR Chansons
- FR Chroniques
- FR Contes
- FR Droit et Justice
- FR Education et Enseignement
- FR Femmes
- FR Guerres
- FR Histoire
- FR Humour
- FR Illustrateurs
- FR Jeunesse
- FR Langues
- FR La Première Guerre Mondiale, 1914-1918
- FR Littérature
- FR Littérature francophone
- FR Livres, Collections et Bibliophilie
- FR Musique
- FR Métiers et Artisanat
- FR Nouveautés
- FR Nouvelles
- FR Occultisme
- FR Peinture
- FR Peuples et Sociétés
- FR Philosophie, Religion et Morale
- FR Politique
- FR Poésie
- FR Presse
- FR Prix Nobel
- FR Sciences et Techniques
- FR Science fiction
- FR Services publics
- FR Sports et loisirs
- FR Séduction et libertinage
- FR Théâtre
- FR Villes
- FR Voyages et pays
- Famous Scots Series
- Fantasy
- Folklore
- Forestry
- France
- Garden and Forest
- General Fiction
- Geology
- Germany
- German Language Books
- Godey's Lady's Book
- Golden Days for Boys and Girls
- Gothic Fiction
- Graham's Magazine
- Greece
- Harper's New Monthly Magazine
- Harper's Young People
- Harvard Classics
- Hinduism
- Historical Fiction
- Horror
- Horticulture
- Humor
- IT Agraria
- IT Archeologia e Storia dell'arte
- IT Architettura
- IT Arte varia
- IT Biografie
- IT Botanica
- IT Cucina
- IT Discorsi e Orazioni
- IT Economia
- IT Filosofia
- IT Folklore
- IT Geografia
- IT Legge
- IT Letteratura
- IT Letteratura per ragazzi
- IT Linguistica
- IT Miscellanea
- IT Musica
- IT Narrativa varia
- IT Numismatica
- IT Poesia
- IT Psicologia e Sociologia
- IT Racconti
- IT Religione e Spiritualità
- IT Romanzi
- IT Romanzi storici
- IT Salute
- IT Scienza
- IT Scienze militari
- IT Scienze politiche
- IT Storia
- IT Teatro dialettale
- IT Teatro in prosa
- IT Teatro in versi
- IT Tecnologia
- IT Umorismo
- IT Viaggi
- Illustrators
- India
- Islam
- Italy
- L'Illustration
- Language Education
- Latter Day Saints
- Lippincott's Magazine
- Little Folks
- London Medical Gazette
- Love
- Manufacturing
- Maps and Cartography
- Masterpieces in Colour
- Mathematics
- McClure's Magazine
- Medicine
- Mediæval Town Series
- Microbiology
- Microscopy
- Mother Earth
- Movie Books
- Mrs Whittelsey's Magazine for Mothers and Daughters
- Music
- Mycology
- Mystery Fiction
- Mythology
- Napoleonic(Bookshelf)
- Native America
- Natural History
- New Zealand
- Northern Nut Growers Association
- Norway
- Notes and Queries
- Noteworthy Trials(Bookshelf)
- PT Arte
- PT Biografia
- PT Ciência e Técnica
- PT Contos
- PT História
- PT Infantil e Juvenil
- PT Língua Portuguesa
- PT Navegações e Explorações
- PT Periódicos
- PT Poesia
- PT Política e Sociedade
- PT Romance
- PT Teatro
- Paganism
- Philosophy
- Photography
- Physics
- Physiology
- Pirates, Buccaneers, Corsairs, etc.
- Plays
- Poetry, A Magazine of Verse
- Poetry
- Politics
- Popular Science Monthly
- Prairie Farmer
- Precursors of Science Fiction
- Project Gutenberg
- Psychology
- Punch
- Punchinello
- School Stories
- Science
- Science Fiction
- Science Fiction by Women
- Scientific American
- Scouts
- Scribner's Magazine
- Short Stories
- Slavery
- Sociology
- South Africa
- South America
- Spanish American War
- St. Nicholas Magazine for Boys and Girls
- Suffrage
- Technology
- The Aldine
- The American Architect and Building News
- The American Bee Journal
- The American Journal of Archaeology
- The American Missionary
- The American Quarterly Review
- The Arena
- The Argosy
- The Atlantic Monthly
- The Baptist Magazine
- The Bay State Monthly
- The Botanical Magazine
- The Brochure Series of Architectural Illustration
- The Catholic World
- The Christian Foundation
- The Church of England Magazine
- The Contemporary Review
- The Economist
- The Esperantist
- The Galaxy
- The Girls Own Paper
- The Great Round World And What Is Going On In It
- The Haslemere Museum Gazette
- The Idler
- The Illustrated War News
- The International Magazine of Literature, Art, and Science
- The Irish Ecclesiastical Record
- The Irish Penny Journal
- The Journal of Negro History
- The Knickerbocker
- The Mayflower
- The Menorah Journal
- The Mentor
- The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction
- The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor
- The National Preacher
- The North American Medical and Surgical Journal
- The Nursery
- The Philatelic Digital Library Project
- The Scrap Book
- The Speaker
- The Stars and Stripes
- The Strand Magazine
- The Unpopular Review
- The Writer
- The Yellow Book
- Transportation
- Travel