Dio's Rome, Volume 1

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Genres: Classical Antiquity
Language: English
Type: Digital

Cassius Dio Cocceianus's historical work, often simply referred to as Dio's Rome, is a massive undertaking that chronicles Roman history from the mythical founding of Rome to the year 229 AD. Volume 1 likely covers the early portion of this vast historical sweep. Here's a breakdown of what you might find in Volume 1:


  • Early Roman History: This volume likely covers the legendary founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus, the establishment of the monarchy, and the rule of the early kings.
  • Roman Republic: The volume might delve into the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of the Roman Republic. It could detail the struggles between patricians and plebeians, the development of Roman political institutions, and the early wars fought by the Republic.

Possible Events Covered (depending on edition and translation choices):

  • Founding of Rome (753 BC): The arrival of Romulus and Remus, the fight between the brothers, and the founding of the city.
  • Sabine Women (mid-8th century BC): The abduction of Sabine women by the Romans and the eventual reconciliation between the two groups.
  • War with Veii (406 BC - 396 BC): A long and significant conflict between Rome and its Etruscan neighbor.
  • Sack of Rome by the Gauls (390 BC): A major setback for the Romans, but the city eventually recovers.
  • Punic Wars (264 BC - 146 BC): A series of three major wars between Rome and Carthage, a powerful city-state in North Africa.

Importance and Limitations:

  • Primary Source: Dio's Rome is a valuable source of information on Roman history, offering insights not found in other surviving accounts.
  • Critical Reading: However, it's important to critically evaluate Dio's work. He wrote centuries after many of the events he describes, and his account might be embellished or biased.
  • Focus on Political and Military History: Dio's focus is primarily on political and military events. Social and cultural aspects of Roman history might be given less attention.

Overall, Volume 1 of Dio's Rome offers a window into the early history of Rome, from its legendary origins to the establishment of the Republic. While acknowledging limitations, it's a valuable resource for understanding this critical period in Roman history.


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