The Art of Poetry an Epistle to the Pisos

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Genres: Classical Antiquity
Language: English
Type: Digital

The Art of Poetry, also known as the Ars Poetica or Epistle to the Pisos, is a poem written by the Roman poet Horace around 19 BC. It's addressed to the Piso family, particularly the sons, and offers guidance and advice on the art of writing poetry and drama.

Here's a breakdown of the key points:

Content and Themes:

  • Importance of Craft and Planning: Horace emphasizes the importance of careful planning, attention to detail, and honing one's craft before attempting ambitious works.
  • Balance and Unity: He advocates for achieving a balance between content, style, and form. The work should be a unified whole, where all elements contribute to the overall effect.
  • Character Development and Decorum: In drama, characters should be well-developed and maintain a sense of decorum, acting and speaking in ways appropriate to their age, social status, and personality.
  • Drawing from Greek Models: Horace advises aspiring poets to study and learn from established Greek playwrights and poets, but also encourages originality and adaptation to Roman themes and styles.
  • Importance of Revision and Self-Criticism: The writing process should involve careful revision and self-criticism. Horace emphasizes the importance of taking time to polish one's work and being willing to discard weaker elements.

Purpose and Significance:

  • A Guide for Aspiring Writers: The Art of Poetry serves as a valuable guide for aspiring poets and playwrights, offering practical advice on various aspects of writing.
  • Influence on Literary Criticism: The work has had a significant influence on literary criticism, shaping ideas about form, structure, and the importance of revising and polishing writing.
  • Insights into Roman Poetic Values: The poem offers insights into the prevailing values and aesthetics of Roman poetry during the reign of Augustus.


  • Focus on Established Forms: The Art of Poetry primarily focuses on established literary forms, potentially discouraging experimentation with more innovative styles.
  • Limited Scope: The poem doesn't delve deeply into all aspects of writing, such as the role of inspiration or the importance of personal voice.
  • Prescriptive Style: Some readers might find the poem's prescriptive style somewhat rigid, imposing limitations on creativity.

Overall, The Art of Poetry by Horace remains a significant work for understanding Roman literary culture and the craft of writing. While acknowledging its limitations, it offers timeless advice on writing, revision, and the importance of careful attention to detail and form.


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