Genre: FR Education et Enseignement

Found 31 books in total
Histoire du moyen âge 395-1270 by Charles Victor Langlois
Histoire du moyen âge 395-1270 by Charles Victor Langlois is a classic textbook on the...
Nouveau Code du Duel: Histoire, Législation, Droit Contemporain
Summary of Nouveau Code du Duel: Histoire, Législation, Droit Contemporain The Nouveau...
Le tour de la France par deux enfants by G. Bruno
Authors: Augustine Fouillée-Tuillerie (under the pseudonym G. Bruno) Original...
Psychologie de l'éducation by Gustave Le Bon
Summary of Psychologie de l'éducation by Gustave Le Bon In his 1910 book Psychologie...
Le Cabinet des Fées by Gérard
Le Cabinet des Fées (The Fairy Cabinet) is a collection of fairy tales compiled by...
French Conversation and Composition by Harry Vincent Wann
French Conversation and Composition" by Harry Vincent Wann, published in 1920, is a...
Contes Français by Douglas Labaree Buffum
Contes Français" by Douglas Labaree Buffum isn't a collection of original stories by...
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