The Germany and the Agricola of Tacitus

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Genres: Classical Antiquity
Language: English
Type: Digital

The title "The Germany and the Agricola" combines two separate works by Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus:

  • Germania: This is an ethnographic treatise written around 98 AD. It focuses on the Germanic tribes beyond the Roman Rhine frontier.
  • Agricola: This is a biography written around the same time, honoring Tacitus' father-in-law, Gnaeus Julius Agricola, a prominent Roman general who governed Britannia (Britain) from 78 to 84 AD.


  • Description of Germanic Peoples: Tacitus describes the customs, social structures, and political organization of various Germanic tribes.
  • Morals and Warfare: He highlights their fierce independence, love of war, and emphasis on masculinity. However, some scholars debate the accuracy and bias of his portrayal.
  • Geographical Information: The work also provides geographical details about Germania, though not always geographically precise by modern standards.


  • Military Achievements: The biography chronicles Agricola's military campaigns in Britain, particularly his expansion of Roman control into northern Britain.
  • Governance: It highlights Agricola's fair and successful administration, contrasting it with the greed and corruption of other Roman governors.
  • Implicit Criticism: Tacitus subtly criticizes the tyrannical reign of Emperor Domitian, under whom Agricola was recalled from Britain.

Themes (Shared by Both Works)

  • Roman Perspective: Both works are written from a Roman perspective, offering insights into Roman views of "barbarians" and their own imperial ambitions.
  • Historical Value: Despite potential bias, they remain valuable sources of information about the Germanic world and Roman Britain during the 1st century AD.

Separate Works, Different Purposes

It's important to remember that these are two distinct works with different purposes. Germania offers a more general ethnographic study, while Agricola is a more specific biography with a political undercurrent.


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