Cornelius Tacitus

Cornelius Tacitus

Unfortunately, there isn't much definitive information about a specific author named Cornelius Tacitus. Most likely, you're interested in the famous Roman historian Publius Cornelius Tacitus. Here's what we know about him:

Full Name: Publius Cornelius Tacitus (sometimes Gaius Cornelius Tacitus)

Lived: c. 56 AD – c. 117 AD

Occupation: Senator, consul, governor, historian

Literary Genre: History (Silver Age of Latin literature)

Famous Works:

  • Annals: Covers Roman history from 14 AD to 68 AD, focusing on the reigns of Tiberius, Claudius, Nero, and part of Galba.
  • Histories: Covers Roman history from 69 AD to 96 AD, focusing on a turbulent period of civil war and political upheaval.
  • Germania: A shorter ethnographic work describing the Germanic tribes beyond the Roman Empire's borders.
  • Agricola: A biography of his father-in-law, Agricola, a prominent Roman general.
  • Dialogus de oratoribus: A dialogue on oratory, though its authorship is debated.

Legacy and Recognition:

  • Renowned Historian: Tacitus is widely regarded as one of the greatest Roman historians, known for his insightful analysis, powerful prose style, and critical perspective on Roman emperors and politics.
  • Focus on Political Intrigue: His works delve into the psychological motivations of emperors, expose political corruption, and explore the decline of Roman morals and values.
  • Enduring Influence: Tacitus' historical writings have influenced historians and political thinkers for centuries, offering valuable insights into the workings of power and the dangers of tyranny.

Possible Confusion:

There might be some confusion with the name "Cornelius Tacitus." It's possible there were other individuals with those names during the Roman period, but historical records are not as comprehensive for lesser-known figures.

If you have any information about the specific Cornelius Tacitus you're interested in, I can try to help you find more details, but based on what you provided, Publius Cornelius Tacitus, the famous historian, seems like the most likely candidate.

Found 9 books in total
Moeurs des anciens Germains by Cornelius Tacitus
Cornelius Tacitus's Germania , also known as De origine et situ Germanorum (On the...
Germania and Agricola by Cornelius Tacitus
Cornelius Tacitus' Germania and Agricola are two very different works, but both offer...
The Reign of Tiberius, Out of the First Six Annals of Tacitus; by Cornelius Tacitus
"The Reign of Tiberius" isn't a separate work by Tacitus, but rather an excerpt...
Tacitus on Germany by Cornelius Tacitus
Cornelius Tacitus, a Roman historian, wrote "Germania" around 98 AD. It's a valuable...
The Germany and the Agricola of Tacitus by Cornelius Tacitus
Agricola is a biography of Gnaeus Julius Agricola, Tacitus' father-in-law. It details...
The Reign of Tiberius, Out of the First Six Annals of Tacitus
Cornelius Tacitus' The Reign of Tiberius isn't a complete work in itself, but rather...
The Germany and the Agricola of Tacitus
The title "The Germany and the Agricola" combines two separate works by Roman...
Tacitus The Histories, Volumes I and II
Tacitus' The Histories , covering Volumes I and II, delves into a tumultuous period in...
Tacitus on Germany
Germania , written by Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus around 98 AD, is an...
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