

The author of the works of Horace is Quintus Horatius Flaccus, also known simply as Horace. Here's a breakdown of some key points about him:


  • Lived from 65 BCE to 8 BCE in Rome.


  • Born in Venusia, a town in southern Italy, to a freedman and landowner.
  • Received a good education in Rome and Athens, studying philosophy and literature.

Literary Career:

  • Considered one of the greatest Roman lyric poets.
  • Famous for his Odes, collections of poems addressing themes of love, friendship, philosophy, and the art of poetry.
  • Also wrote Satires and Epistles, which employed satire and wit to comment on society and offer advice.

Impact and Legacy:

  • His works influenced countless writers throughout history, including European poets of the Renaissance and beyond.
  • Known for his elegant style, masterful use of meter, and ability to capture the essence of human experience in concise and beautiful language.
  • His works continue to be studied and admired for their insights into Roman society and the human condition.

Interesting Facts:

  • Initially fought on the side of Brutus against Octavian (later Augustus) in the Roman civil wars.
  • After the war, his talent was recognized by Augustus, who became his patron.
  • Despite his association with the emperor, Horace's works often expressed a yearning for a simpler life and a critique of Roman society's growing materialism.
Found 2 books in total
The Works of Horace
The Works of Horace by Horace is a collection of his entire body of poetry, spanning...
The Art of Poetry an Epistle to the Pisos
The Art of Poetry, also known as the Ars Poetica or Epistle to the Pisos, is a poem...
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