Mammals of Northwestern South Dakota

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Genres: Animals-Wild-Mammals
Authors: ,
Language: English
Type: Digital

Mammals of Northwestern South Dakota by Kenneth W. Andersen and J. Knox Jones: Summary

"Mammals of Northwestern South Dakota" by Kenneth W. Andersen and J. Knox Jones focuses on the mammalian fauna of a specific region within the Great Plains. Published in 1971, it provides a detailed account of the mammal species present in Harding County, South Dakota, at the time.


  • Geographic Focus: The book concentrates on documenting the mammal diversity in northwestern South Dakota, specifically Harding County.

  • Species Coverage: Andersen and Jones likely provide information on over 50 mammal species documented in the region. This could include:

    • Detailed descriptions of the physical characteristics (size, fur coloration, distinguishing features) of each species.
    • Information on the habitat preferences and distribution patterns of these mammals within Harding County.
    • Discussions on their feeding ecology, social behavior, and potential adaptations to the specific environment.
  • Fairly Unknown Fauna: The introduction of the book might highlight the fact that the mammalian fauna of the western Dakotas and surrounding areas was not well-studied at the time.

    • Andersen and Jones likely contribute to filling this knowledge gap through their research in Harding County.
  • Physiography: The book might include a brief description of the geographical and ecological setting of Harding County. This could involve:

    • Discussions on the dominant vegetation types (shortgrass prairie, sagebrush communities).
    • Topography and landforms present in the area (rolling hills, buttes, caves).
    • How these environmental factors influence the distribution and abundance of mammal species.
  • Survey Methods: The authors might briefly describe the methods used to survey and document the mammal populations in Harding County. This could involve:

    • Setting up live traps and pitfall traps to capture small mammals.
    • Using sight records and animal tracks for species identification.
    • Examining museum specimens for reference and species verification.

Overall Significance:

"Mammals of Northwestern South Dakota" serves as a valuable resource for mammalogists, ecologists, and anyone interested in the fauna of the Great Plains. The book provides a detailed baseline study of the mammal diversity in Harding County, contributing to our understanding of:

  • The distribution and habitat preferences of mammal species in this region.
  • The overall health and composition of the mammal community.
  • The importance of documenting biodiversity in specific ecosystems.

Additional Notes:

  • The book might include illustrations or photographs of some of the mammal species documented in Harding County.
  • It might discuss potential threats faced by some mammal populations in the region (e.g., habitat loss, introduced predators).
  • The information in the book can be a valuable reference point for further studies on mammal populations in northwestern South Dakota, allowing researchers to assess changes over time.

In conclusion, "Mammals of Northwestern South Dakota" offers a comprehensive and informative resource for understanding the rich mammal diversity of this specific region within the Great Plains.


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