André Gide

André Gide

André Gide was a major figure in French literature, winning the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1947. Here's a quick rundown:

  • French author (1869-1951): Wrote across many genres including novels, plays, and non-fiction.
  • Known for exploring complex themes: Alienation, individuality, and morality are often central to his work. Some works that exemplify this are The Immoralist and Lafcadio's Adventures.
  • Inner conflict and exploration of identity: Gide's upbringing was strict, but his writing challenged social norms. His journals and autobiographical works delve into this.
  • Influential literary critic: He championed other writers who pushed boundaries, like Dostoevsky.
Found 1 books in total
Prétextes: Réflexions sur quelques points de littérature et de morale by André Gide
Literary Influences: Gide argues that writers should not be overly influenced by their...
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