Hellhounds of the Cosmos

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Genres: Astounding
Language: English
Type: Digital

"Hellhounds of the Cosmos" by Clifford D. Simak is a short story, likely published in the early 1930s based on the pulp magazine style. Unfortunately, the complete story itself might be difficult to find. However, based on the title and what we know about Simak's work, here's a possible summary:


  • The story takes place on Earth, possibly in a near-future setting.
  • A series of horrifying events, described as attacks by "The Horror" or "The Black Horror," have plagued the planet for the past six months. These attacks devastate towns and leave people in a state of terror.
  • The protagonist might be a journalist or someone investigating these events.
  • As the story unfolds, the protagonist uncovers the truth behind the attacks. It's possible the "Hellhounds of the Cosmos" are not earthly creatures, but alien invaders or monstrous beings from another dimension.
  • The story might end with a sense of hope or a cliffhanger, depending on Simak's approach.


  • Cosmic Horror: The title and the unknown nature of the attacks suggest elements of cosmic horror, a subgenre of science fiction that explores humanity's fear of the vast and potentially hostile universe.
  • Invasion and Survival: The story likely deals with an alien invasion or a threat from beyond Earth, showcasing humanity's struggle for survival against an unknown enemy.
  • Mystery and Discovery: The protagonist's journey to uncover the truth behind the attacks adds a layer of mystery and suspense to the narrative.

Simak's Style:

Clifford D. Simak is known for his optimistic and hopeful vision of the future, often featuring benevolent aliens and positive interactions with beings from other worlds. However, "Hellhounds of the Cosmos" might be an earlier work that explores a darker theme.

Finding the Story:

While the complete story might be difficult to locate, you can try searching online resources like:

  • The Internet Archive: They may have digitized copies of old pulp magazines where the story was published [Internet Archive Clifford D. Simak short stories].
  • Science fiction short story collections: Some collections might include "Hellhounds of the Cosmos" or similar stories by Simak.
  • Used bookstores or online retailers: They might have rare copies of pulp magazines where the story appeared.

Even without the complete story, the information about the title and Simak's style offers a glimpse into the potential themes and tone of "Hellhounds of the Cosmos."


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