give me the summary of Boys and Girls Bookshelf; a Practical Plan of Character Building, Volume I (of 17) Fun and Thought for Little Folk

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Genres: Chemistry
Language: English
Type: Digital

Boys and Girls Bookshelf; a Practical Plan of Character Building, Volume I (of 17) Fun and Thought for Little Folk, appears to be the first volume in a 17-part series aimed at children's character development. Here's a breakdown of what we can glean from the title and available information:

Target Audience:

  • Boys and Girls: This suggests the series caters to both genders, likely encompassing a range of ages within the "little folk" category (possibly young children to pre-teens).

Content and Purpose:

  • Fun and Thought: This implies the series uses a balance of engaging activities and thought-provoking content to achieve its goal.
  • Practical Plan of Character Building: The title suggests the series has a structured approach to fostering desirable qualities in young readers. It might present stories, activities, or lessons that encourage positive traits like kindness, honesty, responsibility, and perseverance.

Volume Focus:

  • Volume I: Being the first volume, it likely lays the groundwork for the series' character-building themes. It might introduce core concepts and values that will be further explored in subsequent volumes.

Possible Content:

While the exact content remains unknown without directly accessing the book, here are some possibilities:

  • Short stories with moral lessons that illustrate positive character traits.
  • Poems, rhymes, or songs that promote kindness, honesty, or other desirable values.
  • Simple activities, games, or crafts that encourage good decision-making, teamwork, or problem-solving skills.
  • Age-appropriate discussions on virtues and ethical behavior.

Additional Notes:

  • The publication date (likely before 1923) suggests the content might reflect the values and pedagogical approaches of that era.
  • The series was edited by The Editorial Board of the University Society, which might indicate an emphasis on academic and moral development.

If you're interested in learning more about the specific content of this volume, you could try searching online library catalogs or used book websites to see if there are descriptions available.


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