A Child's History of England

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Genres: Children's History
Language: English
Type: Digital

A Child's History of England by Charles Dickens, despite the title, is aimed more towards adults than children. Here's a breakdown of the book's content:

  • Time Period Covered: The book covers a vast stretch of English history, starting roughly from 50 BC and going up to around 1669 AD. Additionally, there's a brief concluding chapter summarizing events until the reign of Queen Victoria in 1840 [Wikipedia].
  • Content: The book takes readers on a journey through English history, detailing the reigns of various monarchs. It explores wars, political struggles, social changes, and significant figures throughout the period [American Literature].
  • Dickens's Perspective: Charles Dickens, known for his social commentary, likely wrote the book with a critical eye. While presenting historical facts, he might have included his own opinions on figures and events, possibly emphasizing themes of justice, fairness, and the plight of the common people [Amazon].

Interesting Points to Note:

  • Though intended for children, the complexity of the narrative and vocabulary makes it more suitable for adults [American Literature].
  • Dickens aimed to spark an interest in history, hoping his children (and readers) would delve deeper into the subject after reading his book [Dickenslit.com].
  • The book reflects Dickens's social concerns. He might have written it partly to counter conservative historical narratives [Wikipedia].

Overall, A Child's History of England offers a glimpse into English history with a potential Dickensian twist, focusing on social issues and the struggles of everyday people.


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