The Babes in the Wood

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Genres: Children's Picture Books
Language: English
Type: Digital

The Babes in the Wood by Randolph Caldecott is a picture book adaptation of a traditional English ballad. Here's a summary:


  • The Babes: Two innocent children, often depicted as a brother and sister.
  • Their parents: Not present in the story; they have passed away.
  • Their Uncle: A greedy man who inherits the children's wealth.
  • The Hirelings: Two ruffians hired by the Uncle to abandon the children.
  • The Robin Redbreast: A helpful bird (optional character depending on the version)


  1. Two orphaned children are left in the care of their cruel uncle who covets their inheritance.
  2. The uncle hires two ruffians to abandon the children in the woods, intending for them to be killed.
  3. The ruffians have a change of heart and decide to leave the children unharmed, with some versions mentioning a robin redbreast covering them with leaves for protection.
  4. The children are lost and alone in the woods. (Some versions depict them wandering and eventually dying)
  5. In some variations, the robin helps the children find their way back to safety or alerts others to their plight.
  6. The uncle's evil deed is discovered, and he faces punishment (depending on the version).


  • Importance of Family: The story highlights the vulnerability of children without parental care.
  • Greed and Betrayal: The uncle's actions showcase the dangers of greed and the potential for betrayal.
  • Innocence and Vulnerability: The children represent innocence and the need to protect the vulnerable.
  • Compassion and Kindness: The change of heart by the ruffians (and the robin's help in some versions) demonstrates compassion.

Caldecott's Illustrations:

Randolph Caldecott's vibrant illustrations are a key element of the book. They often depict the beauty of the forest in contrast to the vulnerability of the children, adding emotional depth to the story.

Note: Different versions of The Babes in the Wood may have slight variations in the plot and ending. Some may be more explicit about the children's fate, while others offer a more hopeful resolution.


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