The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow

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Genres: Detective Fiction
Language: English
Type: Digital

The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow by Anna Katharine Green is a locked-room mystery set in a museum. Here's a possible summary based on the information available:

A Gruesome Discovery and a Locked Room:

  • A Museum Visit: A group of visitors, including a young woman named Evelyn (or another name), are touring a museum.
  • A Sudden Cry: Suddenly, a scream pierces the air. The group rushes towards the source and finds Evelyn lying dead in an exhibition hall. An arrow is lodged in her heart.
  • A Locked Room Puzzle: The shocking part is that the room where Evelyn was found is locked from the inside. The windows are also secured, making it seem like an impossible crime.

Enter the Detective:

  • A Keen Investigator: A detective, possibly Inspector Gryce or another name, arrives to investigate the case. He is known for his sharp mind and meticulous approach.

A Cast of Suspects:

  • The Museum Staff: The investigation focuses on the museum staff, including curators, guards, and anyone who had access to the exhibition hall. Their motives and potential opportunities to commit the crime are explored.
  • The Other Visitors: The other visitors who were present during the tour are also questioned. Someone among them might have a grudge against Evelyn or a reason to want her dead.

Clues and Discrepancies:

  • The Hasty Arrow: The title "The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow" suggests that the arrow used in the murder might hold a key to the mystery. Perhaps it's an unusual type of arrow, one that shouldn't be in the museum's collection, or there's something amiss about its placement.
  • The Missing Details: There might be discrepancies in witness accounts or seemingly insignificant details that the detective notices. These could include a dropped object, a scuffle heard earlier, or a strange behavior exhibited by someone during the tour.

Unraveling the Locked Room:

  • Beyond the Obvious: The detective doesn't accept the locked-room scenario at face value. He examines the room meticulously, looking for hidden compartments, secret passages, or ingenious mechanisms that could have allowed the killer to enter and escape unseen.
  • The Importance of Timing: The timing of the events is crucial. The detective might create a timeline to determine who had the opportunity to commit the crime within the timeframe of the tour.

A Shocking Revelation and the Culprit's Motive:

  • The Culprit Unmasked: Through his investigation, the detective exposes the true culprit and their motive. The revelation could be surprising, as the murderer might not be the most obvious suspect.
  • The Motive Revealed: The motive behind the murder could be jealousy, revenge, theft (if the arrow held historical significance), or something entirely different.

Resolution and Justice Served:

  • The Locked Room Explained: The detective reveals how the seemingly impossible locked-room scenario was achieved. This could involve a clever trick, a hidden accomplice, or a manipulation of the museum's security measures.
  • Justice Prevails: With the mystery solved and the culprit exposed, justice is served, and Evelyn's death is avenged.

Significance of The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow:

  • A Classic Locked-Room Mystery: This novel is an example of a classic locked-room mystery, a subgenre of detective fiction where the crime scene is seemingly impossible to enter or exit.
  • Focus on Observation and Deduction: The story emphasizes the detective's keen observation skills and his ability to deduce the truth from seemingly insignificant details.
  • A Hint of Early Forensic Science: The detective's meticulous examination of the crime scene and the potential use of clues like fingerprints or traces of fabric could hint at the beginnings of forensic science in detective fiction.

If you enjoy classic mysteries with a locked-room puzzle, a determined detective, and a surprising solution, The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow might be an engaging read.



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