La Asocio de la Junuloj Dramo en kvin aktoj

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Genres: Esperanto
Language: Esperanto
Type: Digital

La Asocio de la Junuloj: A Drama of Idealism and Reality

Henrik Ibsen's La Asocio de la Junuloj (English: The League of Youth) is a social drama that delves into the idealism and disillusionment of a group of young people seeking to reform society. This play, written in 1869, is a prime example of Ibsen's early works where he explores themes of social change, generational conflict, and the clash between idealism and practicality.

Plot Summary

The play is set in a small Norwegian community where a group of idealistic young people form a "league of youth" with the aim of improving society. Their leader, Sivert, is a passionate and charismatic figure who inspires his followers with his utopian visions. However, as the play progresses, the group faces internal conflicts and external pressures that challenge their ideals.

The young people's plans for social reform clash with the established order represented by the older generation. The play explores the tension between youthful idealism and the pragmatic concerns of those in power. The young people's desire for radical change is met with skepticism and resistance, leading to disillusionment and internal strife.

Key Themes

  • Idealism vs. Reality: The play examines the gap between idealistic aspirations and the harsh realities of life. The young people's lofty goals are confronted with the limitations of human nature and the constraints of society.
  • Generational Conflict: There is a clear generational divide between the young reformers and the older generation, who are more conservative and resistant to change.
  • Social Change: The play explores the challenges and complexities of bringing about social change. It raises questions about the nature of progress and the role of individuals in shaping society.
  • Individual vs. Community: The play also examines the conflict between individual desires and the demands of the community. The characters must decide whether to prioritize their personal ambitions or the needs of the group.

In conclusion, La Asocio de la Junuloj is a thought-provoking drama that offers a critical look at the idealism and disillusionment of youth. Ibsen's portrayal of the young reformers and their struggles is both sympathetic and insightful. The play remains relevant today as it continues to resonate with audiences who grapple with similar issues of social change and personal identity.


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