Gesammelte Abhandlungen III by Ernst Abbe

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Genres: German Language Books
Language: german
Type: Standard

Summary of Gesammelte Abhandlungen III by Ernst Abbe

  • Welche sozialen Forderungen soll die Freisinnige Volkspartei in ihr Programm aufnehmen? (1894)

In this lecture, Abbe discusses the social policies that the Freisinnige Volkspartei (Liberal People's Party) should adopt in its platform. He argues that the party should focus on issues such as workers' rights, education, and healthcare.

  • Gedächtnisrede zur Feier des 50jährigen Bestehens der Optischen Werkstätte (1896)

This speech commemorates the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Carl Zeiss Optical Works in Jena, Germany. Abbe, who was the company's co-founder and technical director, reflects on the company's history and its contributions to the field of optics.

  • Über Gewinnbeteiligung der Arbeiter in der Großindustrie (1897)

In this essay, Abbe argues for the implementation of profit-sharing schemes for workers in large industries. He believes that such schemes would help to improve workers' morale and productivity, and would also reduce the likelihood of labor unrest.

  • Über die Grundlagen der Lohnregelung in der Optischen Werkstätte (1897)

This essay outlines the principles that were used to determine wages at the Carl Zeiss Optical Works. Abbe explains that wages were based on factors such as skill, experience, and performance. He also discusses the company's use of a minimum wage and a profit-sharing scheme.

  • Zur Frage der Sonderbesteuerung des Konsumvereins (1898)

In this essay, Abbe argues against the proposal to impose a special tax on consumer cooperatives. He believes that such a tax would be unfair and would harm working-class consumers.

  • Die rechtswidrige Beschränkung der Versammlungsfreiheit im Großherzogtum Sachsen (1900)

This essay criticizes the restrictions on freedom of assembly that were in place in the Grand Duchy of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. Abbe argues that these restrictions were unconstitutional and violated the rights of citizens.

  • Die volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Verkürzung des industriellen Arbeitstages

In this essay, Abbe argues for a reduction in the length of the industrial workday. He believes that shorter working hours would improve workers' health and well-being, and would also lead to increased productivity.

Overall, Gesammelte Abhandlungen III is a valuable collection of writings by Ernst Abbe on a variety of social and political topics. Abbe's insights are still relevant today, and his work offers a fascinating glimpse into the thinking of a progressive social reformer and industrialist.


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