Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises of the Western North Atlantic

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Genres: Animals-Wild-Mammals
Language: English
Type: Digital

"Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises of the Western North Atlantic" by Caldwell et al. likely serves as a comprehensive identification guide for cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) inhabiting the western North Atlantic Ocean. Published potentially in the 1970s, the book offers a valuable resource for researchers, naturalists, and anyone interested in marine mammals of the region.

Here's a breakdown of the key content areas:


  • The book serves as a field guide for identifying cetacean species in the western North Atlantic.
  • The authors, likely a team of marine mammal researchers including Caldwell, provide detailed descriptions and identification keys to aid in recognizing different species at sea or from stranded specimens.


  • Species Coverage: The book likely encompasses a wide variety of cetaceans found in the western North Atlantic, potentially including:

    • Baleen whales (filter feeders with baleen plates) like the humpback whale, minke whale, and blue whale (largest animal on Earth).
    • Toothed whales (predators with teeth) like the sperm whale, killer whale (orca), pilot whales, dolphins (bottlenose dolphin, Atlantic white-sided dolphin), and porpoises (harbor porpoise).
  • Identification Keys: The book might include detailed identification keys based on physical characteristics, such as:

    • Body size, shape, and coloration.
    • Fin shapes (dorsal fin, flippers, fluke).
    • Blowhole location and appearance.
    • Behavioral characteristics like breaching or distinctive vocalizations (for some species).
  • Species Accounts: Each cetacean species likely has a dedicated section with information on:

    • Detailed physical descriptions for different age groups (calves, adults).
    • Distribution and habitat preferences within the western North Atlantic (coastal waters, offshore areas).
    • Diet and feeding behavior.
    • Social behavior and group dynamics (where known).
  • Additional Information: The book might include:

    • Information on threats faced by cetaceans in the region, like habitat loss, entanglement in fishing gear, and ship strikes.
    • Conservation efforts for protecting cetacean populations.
    • Appendices with additional resources or data tables on cetacean distribution.

Overall Significance:

"Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises of the Western North Atlantic" serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in identifying and learning about cetaceans of the region. Caldwell et al.'s work provides:

  • A comprehensive guide for differentiating between various cetacean species based on visual cues and behavior.
  • Baseline knowledge for understanding the distribution and ecology of cetaceans in the western North Atlantic.
  • A potential tool for researchers conducting marine mammal surveys and monitoring programs.

Additional Notes:

  • The book likely includes illustrations or photographs of different cetacean species to aid in identification.
  • Information on distinguishing features between similar-looking species might be particularly helpful.
  • The scientific classification system used in the book might differ slightly from very recent taxonomic updates.

In conclusion, "Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises of the Western North Atlantic" by Caldwell et al. offers a valuable tool for anyone venturing into the waters of the western North Atlantic and seeking to identify the fascinating marine mammals that call this region home.


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