Mrs. Warren's Profession

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Genres: Banned Books
Language: English
Type: Digital

Mrs. Warren's Profession is a play by George Bernard Shaw first performed in 1902. It is a scathing satire of Victorian society, particularly the hypocrisy of middle-class morality. The play is set in London in the late 19th century and follows the life of Vivie Warren, a young woman who discovers that her mother, Mrs. Warren, is a wealthy woman who owns a chain of brothels. Vivie is appalled by her mother's profession, but she is also fascinated by her success.


  • Social class: The play explores the rigid social class system of Victorian England. Vivie is torn between her desire to belong to the upper class and her contempt for its hypocrisy.
  • Moral hypocrisy: The play exposes the hypocrisy of middle-class morality. Mrs. Warren is able to achieve wealth and status by running a brothel, while her clients, who are all respectable members of society, are able to enjoy her services without any moral qualms.
  • The double standard: The play highlights the double standard that exists for women. Mrs. Warren is condemned for her profession, while her clients are not.
  • The importance of education: The play argues that education is essential for women to be able to make their own choices about their lives.

Critical reception

Mrs. Warren's Profession was met with mixed reviews when it was first performed. Some critics praised the play's wit and social commentary, while others were offended by its subject matter. The play was banned in London for many years, but it has since been widely performed and read.


Mrs. Warren's Profession is considered one of Shaw's most important plays. It is a powerful and thought-provoking commentary on Victorian society. The play continues to be relevant today, as it raises important questions about social class, moral hypocrisy, and the double standard for women.

Key Works

  • Pygmalion (1913)
  • Man and Superman (1903)
  • Saint Joan (1923)
  • Major Barbara (1905)
  • The Importance of Being Earnest (1895)


  • "Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything."
  • "The power of the human mind is far greater than we can ever imagine, and we should never stop searching for new ways to expand our understanding of the world around us."
  • "The only thing that is worth doing is to fight for what we believe in and never give up, no matter how difficult things may seem."


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