Traditions of the Tinguian a Study in Philippine Folk-Lore

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Genres: Anthropology
Language: English
Type: Digital

Traditions of the Tinguian: A Study in Philippine Folk-Lore by Fay-Cooper Cole


Fay-Cooper Cole's Traditions of the Tinguian: A Study in Philippine Folk-Lore (1915) delves into the folklore and traditions of the Tinguian people, an indigenous group inhabiting the mountainous regions of Luzon, the largest island in the Philippines.

Here's a breakdown of the key aspects explored in the book:

  • Focus: The book focuses on the oral traditions, beliefs, and customs of the Tinguian people. This includes:

    • Mythology: Creation stories, explanations for natural phenomena, and tales about deities and spirits.
    • Epics and Chants: Epic poems and chants passed down through generations, potentially reflecting historical events or cultural values.
    • Social Customs: Practices related to marriage, birth, death, rituals, and social interactions.
    • Folklore: Folktales, proverbs, and riddles that provide insights into Tinguian culture and values.
  • Content: Cole, an anthropologist, meticulously documents these traditions through:

    • Direct Observations: Recording his observations of Tinguian rituals and daily life.
    • Interviews: Collecting stories, beliefs, and explanations directly from Tinguian people.

Importance and Considerations:

  • Valuable Record: Traditions of the Tinguian serves as a valuable record of Tinguian culture at a specific point in history. It offers insights into their worldview, social practices, and artistic expressions.

  • Early 20th Century Lens: Published in the early 20th century, the book reflects the anthropological perspectives of that time. Cole might use terminology or interpretations that are outdated.

  • Limited Indigenous Voices: While the book documents traditions, it primarily relies on Cole's observations and interpretations. The perspectives of the Tinguian people themselves might not be fully captured.

Overall, Traditions of the Tinguian provides a valuable resource for understanding the cultural heritage of the Tinguian people. However, it's important to approach the book critically, considering the limitations of its historical context and potential biases.

Additional Points:

  • The book might also include sections on the Tinguian language, material culture (clothing, tools, etc.), and subsistence strategies (farming, hunting, etc.).
  • An important note in the book mentions Cole's awareness of the complexity of Tinguian culture and the challenges of understanding it fully for someone from a different background.


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