The Wild Tribes of Davao District, Mindanao

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Genres: Anthropology
Language: English
Type: Digital

Fay-Cooper Cole's The Wild Tribes of Davao District, Mindanao (1913) dives into the ethnography of indigenous groups inhabiting the Davao district of Mindanao, the second-largest island in the Philippines. Here's a breakdown of the key aspects explored:

Focus: The book concentrates on several indigenous communities collectively referred to as the "wild tribes" of the region. While specific groups might not be explicitly named due to the book's age, it likely explores:

  • Social Organization: Family structures, leadership roles, and social interactions within these communities.
  • Subsistence Strategies: Hunting, gathering, agricultural practices, and how they obtained food and resources.
  • Material Culture: Clothing, tools, weapons, housing, and everyday items used by these groups.
  • Belief Systems and Rituals: Religious beliefs, spiritual practices, and ceremonies observed by the communities.


  • Ethnographic Observations: Cole, an anthropologist, details his observations of these communities, providing insights into their way of life.
  • Artifacts and Photographs: The book likely includes descriptions and possibly illustrations of artifacts collected during his fieldwork, offering a visual record of their material culture.

Importance and Limitations:

  • Historical Record: The Wild Tribes serves as a historical record of the indigenous cultures of the Davao district at a specific point in time. It offers valuable information about their customs, traditions, and social structures.

  • Colonial Context: Published in the early 20th century, the book reflects the colonial perspective of the time. Cole's terminology and approach might be influenced by colonial attitudes towards indigenous cultures.

  • Limited Indigenous Voices: The book primarily relies on Cole's observations, potentially neglecting the perspectives of the indigenous people themselves.

Overall, The Wild Tribes of Davao District, Mindanao offers a window into the lives of indigenous communities in the Philippines during the early 20th century. While acknowledging limitations due to its historical context, it remains a valuable resource for understanding their cultures and way of life. It's important to approach the book critically, considering the potential biases of the time.

Additional Points:

  • The book might include a section on the geography and environment of the Davao district, providing context for understanding the lives of the indigenous communities.
  • The specific content might vary depending on the communities Cole interacted with during his fieldwork.

Further Resources:

For a more contemporary and nuanced understanding of these indigenous groups, consider consulting works by Filipino anthropologists or researchers focusing on indigenous cultures in the Philippines.


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