Navajo Silversmiths

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Genres: Anthropology
Language: English
Type: Digital

In his work "Navajo Silversmiths," Washington Matthews explores the rich tradition of silversmithing among the Navajo people. Here's a breakdown of the key points:

  • Origins: Matthews acknowledges the uncertainty surrounding the origins of Navajo silversmithing. While he doesn't pinpoint a specific date, he argues that they've likely possessed the skill for a long time, possibly not influenced by Europeans.

  • Tools and Techniques: The book details the tools and techniques used by Navajo silversmiths. These were often simple, involving tools obtained through trade and traditional methods like hammering, heating, and shaping silver.

  • The Workshop: Matthews describes the typical Navajo silversmith workshop, which was often a basic shelter with minimal equipment.

  • Production Process: He outlines the various steps involved in creating silverwork, from melting down silver to crafting the desired design and applying any final touches.

  • Cultural Significance: The book highlights the significance of Navajo silverwork beyond its utilitarian purpose. Silver objects served as ornaments, ceremonial items, and held cultural meaning within Navajo society.

  • Design Elements: Matthews explores the design motifs commonly found in Navajo silverwork. These might include geometric patterns, representations of natural elements, and even symbolic figures.

Additional points to consider:

  • Published in 1883: The book reflects the anthropological understanding of the time. Modern scholarship might offer additional insights or interpretations.

  • Focus on Observation: Matthews heavily relies on his observations of Navajo silversmiths and their work. While valuable, it might not capture the full cultural context or historical evolution of the craft.

Overall, "Navajo Silversmiths" by Washington Matthews provides a valuable historical record of Navajo silversmithing practices in the late 19th century. It offers insights into the techniques, cultural significance, and symbolism embedded in this enduring art form.


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