Autels privilégiés by comte de Robert Montesquiou-Fézensac

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Genres: FR Chroniques
Language: french
Type: Digital

Autels privilégiés (Privileged Altars), published in 1892, is a collection of poems by French Symbolist poet and art critic Robert de Montesquiou-Fézensac. The collection is divided into five sections:

  • "Les Pierres précieuses" (Precious Stones)
  • "Les Muses" (The Muses)
  • "Les Dieux" (The Gods)
  • "Les Fleurs" (The Flowers)
  • "Les Parfums" (The Perfumes)

The poems in Autels privilégiés are characterized by their rich imagery, their use of symbolism, and their exploration of themes such as beauty, art, and love. Montesquiou was a master of the sonnet, and many of the poems in the collection are written in this form.

Some of the most famous poems in Autels privilégiés include:

  • "La Muse mondaine" (The Worldly Muse)
  • "Le Paon" (The Peacock)
  • "Les Chrysanthèmes" (The Chrysanthemums)
  • "La Nuit" (Night)
  • "Le Parfum de la rose" (The Perfume of the Rose)

Autels privilégiés was a critical and popular success upon its publication, and it helped to establish Montesquiou as one of the leading figures of the Symbolist movement. The collection has been translated into many languages and continues to be read and admired today.

Here are some additional details about the work:

  • Genre: Poetry
  • Publication date: 1892
  • Original language: French
  • Notable themes: Beauty, art, love, symbolism


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