The Beautiful Necessity

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Genres: Architecture
Language: English
Type: Digital

The Beautiful Necessity by Claude Fayette Bragdon is a collection of seven essays exploring the philosophy behind the connection between architecture and theosophy, a mystical belief system. Here's a breakdown of the key themes:

Central Idea:

  • Art and Cosmic Order: Bragdon argues that all art forms, particularly architecture, express a universal and harmonious order present in the cosmos.
  • Theosophy and Beauty: He uses theosophy as a lens to understand this underlying order and its manifestation in beautiful forms. (It's important to note that in later editions, Bragdon acknowledged this connection wasn't necessary for his core argument).

The Seven Essays:

  • Unity and Duality: Examines the concept of opposing forces existing in harmony, a principle evident in architectural design and natural forms.
  • Changeless Change: Explores the idea that true beauty reflects an underlying unchanging principle even as forms appear to change.
  • The Bodily Temple: Discusses the human body as an example of beautiful design that reflects the cosmic order.
  • Latent Geometry: Analyzes the presence of geometric principles and proportions in beautiful structures, both natural and man-made.
  • The Arithmetic of Beauty: Delves into the mathematical foundations of beauty and harmony in different art forms.
  • Frozen Music: Explores the connection between architecture and music, suggesting that buildings can evoke a sense of harmony akin to music.

Overall Tone and Approach:

  • Bragdon's perspective is heavily influenced by theosophy, but the core ideas about harmony, geometry, and universal principles in art can be appreciated even without a theosophical background.
  • The book uses a blend of philosophical ideas, historical examples, and analyses of specific architectural features to illustrate the connection between beauty and necessity.


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