Hément, Félix

Hément, Félix

Félix Hément was a significant figure in French education during the 19th century. Here's a summary of his life and work:  


Career and Contributions

Notable Works

While specific details about his works might require further research, some of his books are known to have covered topics such as:

  • Elementary geometry
  • Pedagogical methods and techniques


Félix Hément's role in French education is acknowledged through his published works and the impact they had on teaching practices. His contributions to the field continue to be studied and referenced by educational historians and researchers.

Found 1 books in total
Petit traité des punitions et des récompenses à l'usage des maîtres et des parents
Un manuel pédagogique ancien : Publié en 1890, ce livre s'adresse aux éducateurs...
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