Friedrich Schiller

Friedrich Schiller

Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) was a German poet, playwright, and philosopher who is considered one of the most important figures of the German Enlightenment. He is best known for his historical dramas, which are known for their strong moral and political themes.

Life and Work

Friedrich Schiller was born in Marbach, Württemberg, Germany, in 1759. He was the son of Johann Christoph Schiller, a military officer, and Elisabeth Dorothea Schiller. Schiller studied law at the University of Tübingen, where he met Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Schiller's early plays were influenced by the Sturm und Drang movement, which emphasized emotional intensity and individualism. His first major success was Die Räuber (The Robbers), which was published in 1781. The play is a violent and passionate drama about two brothers who are torn apart by their different ideals.

In the 1780s, Schiller moved to Weimar, where he met Goethe again. The two writers became close friends and collaborated on a number of projects, including the journal Die Horen (The Hours).

Schiller's later plays are more restrained and philosophical in tone. His best-known works from this period include Maria Stuart (1800), Die Jungfrau von Orleans (The Maid of Orleans, 1801), and Wilhelm Tell (1804). These plays are all based on historical events, and they explore themes of freedom, justice, and the individual's struggle against oppression.


Friedrich Schiller is considered one of the greatest dramatists of all time. His plays are still performed all over the world, and they continue to be relevant to contemporary audiences. Schiller's work has also been influential on other writers, including William Shakespeare, Victor Hugo, and Henrik Ibsen.

Key Works

  • Die Räuber (The Robbers, 1781)
  • Kabale und Liebe (Love and Intrigue, 1784)
  • Maria Stuart (1800)
  • Die Jungfrau von Orleans (The Maid of Orleans, 1801)
  • Wilhelm Tell (1804)


  • "Man is not made for a life of pleasure, he is made for action, struggle, and endeavour."
  • "One must have chaos within oneself to give birth to a dancing star."
  • "True greatness lies in being kind, honest, and brave in the face of adversity."


Friedrich Schiller's work has had a profound influence on subsequent playwrights and writers. His dramas are known for their strong moral and political themes, and they have been praised for their emotional intensity and psychological depth. Schiller's work has also been influential on other art forms, including music and opera.


Friedrich Schiller is a towering figure in German literature and philosophy. His work continues to be relevant and inspiring to audiences around the world. He is a reminder that the human spirit is capable of great love, courage, and sacrifice.

Found 1 books in total
The Robbers
The Robbers (German: Die Räuber ) is a play by German playwright Friedrich Schiller,...
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