František Omelka

František Omelka

František Omelka: A Czech Educator and Author

František Omelka was a Czech educator and author primarily known for his works for children and young adults.

Key Facts:

  • Born: August 19, 1904, Staré Město, Czechia
  • Died: July 23, 1960, Otrokovice, Czechia
  • Occupation: Teacher, writer
  • Languages: Czech, Esperanto
  • Genre: Children's literature, educational works

Life and Career:

  • Early Life: Omelka studied at a classical grammar school and later became a teacher. He met his future wife, Františka Omelková, also a teacher, and they worked together in various schools.
  • Esperanto: Both Omelkas were passionate about the Esperanto language and became involved in the Esperanto movement. They wrote and translated books for children in Esperanto.
  • Author: Omelka wrote numerous books for children and young adults in Czech. He also translated some of his works into Esperanto and vice versa. His stories often focused on adventure, nature, and historical themes.
  • Legacy: Omelka is considered a significant figure in Czech children's literature. His works continue to be read and appreciated by young readers.

Notable Works:

While a comprehensive list of Omelka's works is beyond the scope of this response, some of his notable titles include:

  • Alaska stafeto (The Alaska Relay)
  • Kaptitoj de la glacirokoj (Prisoners of the Ice Cliffs)
  • Blesky nad Beskydami (Lightning Over Beskydy)
  • Vlci proti Mustangům (Wolves Against Mustangs)

Additional Information:

  • Esperanto: Omelka's involvement in the Esperanto movement led to collaborations with other Esperanto authors and the translation of his works into the language.
  • Educational Background: His experience as a teacher influenced his writing, making his stories engaging and informative for young readers.

Found 2 books in total
La Alaska stafeto kaj Kaptitoj de la glacirokoj
La Alaska Stafeto kaj Kaptitoj de la Glacirokoj: An Adventure in Esperanto František...
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