Jean Palaprat

Jean Palaprat

Jean de Palaprat: A French Playwright

Jean de Palaprat was a French lawyer and playwright, born in Toulouse in May 1650. He is primarily known for his collaborative work with David-Augustin de Brueys. Together, they wrote numerous plays that were performed at the prestigious Comédie-Française and Théâtre-Français in Paris.

Key Points About Jean de Palaprat:

  • Collaborator: Primarily known for his partnership with David-Augustin de Brueys.
  • Playwright: Wrote numerous plays that were successfully staged in Paris.
  • Lawyer by Profession: Had a legal background before pursuing a career in writing.
  • Birthplace: Toulouse, France.
  • Death: October 4, 1721, in Paris.
  • Legacy: His plays, often comedies, were well-received during his time and continue to be studied and appreciated.

Additional Information:

  • Their collected works were published posthumously in 1755 under the title "Les Œuvres de théâtre de Messieurs Brueys et de Palaprat."
  • His life and work have been the subject of academic research and analysis.

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