Roch, Éline

Roch, Éline

  • Author: Éline Roch
  • Year of publication: 1888
  • Genre: Educational treatise
  • Language: French


Ce que vaut une femme (What a Woman is Worth) is a treatise on moral and practical education for young girls, written by Éline Roch and published in 1888. The book is divided into three parts:

  • Part I: The Young Girl This part discusses the physical, intellectual, and moral development of young girls. Roch emphasizes the importance of education in preparing girls for their future roles as wives and mothers.

  • Part II: The Woman This part discusses the duties and responsibilities of women in the home and in society. Roch stresses the importance of women being virtuous, modest, and submissive.

  • Part III: The Christian Woman This part discusses the importance of religion in a woman's life. Roch encourages women to be devout Christians and to raise their children in the faith.

Critical reception:

Ce que vaut une femme was a popular book in its day. It went through several printings and was translated into several languages. The book was praised for its practical advice and its emphasis on Christian values. However, it has also been criticized for its conservative views on women's roles.

Historical significance:

Ce que vaut une femme is an important document of 19th-century French society. It provides insights into the values and expectations that were placed on young women at the time. The book also reflects the influence of the Catholic Church on French society.


Ce que vaut une femme is available in French online and in print. An English translation of the book is available under the title The Value of a Woman.

Additional information:

  • Éline Roch was a French writer and educator. She wrote several books on education and religion.
  • Ce que vaut une femme is part of a series of educational treatises for young people. The other books in the series include Ce que vaut un homme (What a Man is Worth) and Ce que valent les parents (What Parents are Worth).
Found 1 books in total
Ce que vaut une femme: Traité d'éducation morale et pratique des jeunes filles
Ce que vaut une femme: Traité d'éducation morale et pratique des jeunes filles (What a...
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