Louise d' Alq

Louise d' Alq

Louise d'Alq, also known by her birth name Marie-Louise Alquié de Rieupeyroux, was a French writer whose life spanned 1840-1910, not 1840-1901. Here's some information about her:

  • Career: Journalist, editor, novelist, and translator FR Wikipedia
  • Known for: Novels focused on personal growth ("romans d'apprentissage"), educational treatises, and etiquette guides.
  • One notable work: "Consuelo," a novella that may have been inspired by her friend Nina de Callias, a poet.
  • Additional details: Childhood friend of Blanche Gouilly (who later married Vicomte Henri de Bornier) and Nina de Callias.
Found 1 books in total
Notes d'une mère: Cours d'éducation maternelle by Louise d' Alq
Notes d'une mère: Cours d'éducation maternelle (English: A Mother's Notes: Courses in...
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