Émile Durkheim

Émile Durkheim

Foundational Figure in Sociology: A late 19th and early 20th-century French scholar, Durkheim is considered one of the founding fathers of sociology, alongside Max Weber and Karl Marx. [Soc founders]Focus on Social Order: He was particularly interested in how societies maintain order and cohesion, despite the individualistic nature of people. [sociology 250 notes on durkheim]Pioneered Social Research Methods: Durkheim is credited with establishing sociology as a distinct academic discipline with its own research methodologies. His book "The Rules of Sociological Method" outlined these methods, emphasizing objective data analysis over philosophical speculation. [emile durkheim stanford encyclopedia]Famous Works: Some of his most influential works include:
  • Suicide (1897): This groundbreaking study explored suicide rates in different social groups, challenging the notion that suicide is purely an individual act. Durkheim argued social factors like social integration (or lack thereof) were key influences. [britannica emile durkheim ON britannica.com]
  • The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (1912): Here, Durkheim examined religion as a social phenomenon, highlighting its role in promoting social solidarity and shared values. [emile durkheim stanford encyclopedia]
Concept of Anomie: Durkheim is known for his concept of anomie, a state of social disconnectedness and lack of norms. He believed anomie could lead to social problems like suicide. [emile durkheim biography ON Britannica britannica.com]
Found 1 books in total
Éducation et sociologie by Émile Durkheim
Summary of Éducation et sociologie by Émile Durkheim In his seminal work, Éducation et...
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