Sommerfeld, Arnold

Sommerfeld, Arnold

Absolutely, Arnold Sommerfeld was a prominent German physicist who played a key role in the development of quantum and atomic physics Here's a quick rundown of his achievements:

  • Pioneered quantum mechanics: Sommerfeld is considered one of the founding figures of quantum mechanics. He made significant contributions through his work on atomic structure and spectral lines
  • Refined Bohr's atomic model: He developed upon Niels Bohr's atomic model by introducing elliptical orbits for electrons instead of just circular ones. This advancement, along with the Sommerfeld–Wilson quantization rules he co-developed, improved the explanation of atomic spectra
  • Influential mentor: Sommerfeld is also recognized for his exceptional mentorship. He guided numerous talented physicists who went on to make their own significant contributions in the field
Found 1 books in total
Deutsches Leben der Gegenwart by Bekker, Briefs, Scheler, Sommerfeld, and Witkop
Deutsches Leben der Gegenwart (German for "German Life of the Present") is a...
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