Édouard Cuyer

Édouard Cuyer

Édouard Cuyer was a French artist and anatomist who lived from 1852 to 1 here Wikipedia.

Here's what we know about him:

  • Artist and Anatomist: Cuyer was both a painter and an expert in anatomy Wikipedia.
  • Born and Died: He was born in Paris on June 8, 1852 and passed away in Boulogne-Billancourt on March 2, 1929 Wikipedia.
  • Known Works:
    • He wrote a book on anatomy titled Histoire de l'anatomie plastique (History of Plastic Anatomy) in collaboration with Mathias-Marie Duval Wikipedia.
    • He also created illustrations for the book Septumia. Légende-mime, moeurs antiques (Septumia. Legend-mime, Ancient Customs) Data BNF.
    • There are some chromolithographs (a type of color lithograph) by Cuyer including Le Cheval: Tête (The Horse: Head) and Le Cheval: Cheval Arabe / Cheval Anglo-Normand (The Horse: Arabian Horse / Anglo-Norman Horse) Royal Academy of Arts.

Found 1 books in total
Artistic Anatomy of Animals
"Artistic Anatomy of Animals" by Édouard Cuyer serves as a bridge between the worlds...
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