William Edward Duellman, also known as Bill Duellman, was a prominent figure in the field of herpetology, particularly focusing on amphibians, for over seven decades. Here's a summary of his accomplishments:
- Lifespan: Born September 6, 1930 - Passed away February 25, 2022 (at age 91)
- Expertise: Amphibians, especially Hylid frogs and marsupial frogs
- Key Achievements:
- Described numerous new amphibian species
- Authored influential books like "The Hylid Frogs of Middle America" and "Biology of Amphibians" (co-authored with Linda Trueb)
- Made significant contributions to the study of amphibian ecology and systematics
- Mentored many successful herpetologists
- Compiled a vast amphibian call collection
- Legacy: Considered a central figure in 20th and early 21st century herpetology. His work continues to influence amphibian research.