La Blanchère

La Blanchère

La Blanchère: A Multifaceted Name

La Blanchère could refer to several different things:

1. A French Naturalist and Photographer

  • Pierre Moulin du Coudray de La Blanchère was a prominent French ichthyologist, naturalist, and photographer. He made significant contributions to the study of fish and left behind a rich photographic legacy.

2. A Place in France

  • There are several locations in France named La Blanchère, including:
    • Domaine de La Blanchère in Normandy, a holiday rental property offering various amenities like a swimming pool, jacuzzi, and petanque court.
    • La Blanchère, vue golf in Vedène, a vacation rental with a golf course view.

3. A Seafood Brand

  • La Blanchère is also a brand associated with seafood products, offering items like lobster, sturgeon, and mackerel.
Found 1 books in total
Les aventures d'une fourmi rouge et les mémoires d'un pierrot by La Blanchère
Les Aventures d'une Fourmi Rouge et les Mémoires d'un Pierrot , written by Henri de la...
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