Jules Lemaître

Jules Lemaître

Jules Lemaître was a prominent French critic, dramatist, and intellectual. Born on April 27, 1853, in Vennecy, France, he made significant contributions to the literary and cultural landscape of his time.

Key points about Jules Lemaître:

  • Versatile career: He started as a professor before dedicating himself to writing.
  • Critical acclaim: Lemaître gained recognition as a brilliant and influential critic.
  • Dramatist: He also explored playwriting, producing several notable works.
  • Nationalism and conservatism: In later years, he became involved in nationalist and conservative movements.
  • Legacy: His impact on French literature and thought continues to be studied and debated.

Further details:

  • Critical approach: Lemaître was known for his individualistic and human-centered approach to criticism, emphasizing personal perception and taste.
  • Literary output: His works include essays, plays, and literary studies.
  • Academic background: He was a graduate of the prestigious École Normale Supérieure.
Found 1 books in total
ABC: Petits Contes by Jules Lemaître
jules Lemaître's ABC: Petits Contes is a charming collection of short stories designed...
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