Anton Willem Nieuwenhuis

Anton Willem Nieuwenhuis

Here's what I found about Anton Willem Nieuwenhuis:

Explorer, Physician, and Scholar

Anton Willem Nieuwenhuis was a Dutch explorer, physician, and scholar who lived from 1864 to 1953. He's particularly recognized for his extensive travels in Borneo during the 1890s.

Borneo Expeditions

Nieuwenhuis made significant contributions to our understanding of Borneo, the third largest island in the world. He led several expeditions there, most notably becoming the first European to traverse Borneo from west to east (or vice versa) between 1896 and 1897. His journeys yielded valuable information about the Dayak people, the island's indigenous inhabitants, and their culture. He also collected biological specimens during his travels.

Academic Career

Nieuwenhuis's expertise extended beyond exploration. After his expeditions, he leveraged his experience to become a professor of geography and ethnology at Leiden University in 1904. He even edited the journal "Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie." He retired in 1934.


Nieuwenhuis's contributions were widely recognized. In an obituary, he was even referred to as "a Borneo Livingstone," highlighting his pioneering spirit. Several species, including a lizard, an orchid, and a bird, were named in his honor.

Found 2 books in total
Quer Durch Borneo by Anton Willem Nieuwenhuis
Quer Durch Borneo (Across Borneo) by Dutch explorer Anton Willem Nieuwenhuis is a...
Quer Durch Borneo
Quer Durch Borneo (Across Borneo) by Anton Willem Nieuwenhuis is a detailed account of...
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