Jane Ellen Harrison

Jane Ellen Harrison

Jane Ellen Harrison was a pioneering figure in the study of Ancient Greek religion and mythology. Here's a summary of her accomplishments:

  • Foundational Scholar: Along with Karl Kerenyi and Walter Burkert, she is considered one of the founders of the modern approach to understanding Greek religion and myths. Her work using archaeological discoveries to interpret these aspects of ancient Greek culture is considered groundbreaking. [Wikipedia Jane Ellen Harrison]
  • Linguistic Expertise: A true polymath, Harrison was a gifted linguist. She was fluent in French, German, Latin, Ancient Greek, Hebrew, and Russian. This facility with languages undoubtedly aided her research into classical texts. [Columbia University Jane Ellen Harrison]
  • Academic Career: Despite facing limitations due to her gender, Harrison achieved the distinction of being the first woman in Britain to hold a position as a "career academic." She spent many years as a lecturer at Newnham College, a progressive institution for women at Cambridge University. She also studied Greek art and archaeology at the British Museum. [Columbia University Jane Ellen Harrison]
  • Advocate for Women: While a supporter of women's suffrage, she reportedly did not believe she would ever cast a vote herself. [Wikipedia Jane Ellen Harrison]
  • Literary Contributions: Her 1882 book, "Myths of The Odyssey in Art and Literature," was one of her earliest publications. She is known to have written other works as well. [Columbia University Jane Ellen Harrison]

Found 1 books in total
Ancient Art and Ritual
In her book, Ancient Art and Ritual , Jane Ellen Harrison challenges the modern...
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