Ernest La Jeunesse

Ernest La Jeunesse

Ernest La Jeunesse was a multifaceted French creative who lived from 1874 to 1917. Here's a summary of his accomplishments:

  • Writer and Literary Critic: La Jeunesse was a published author. One of his works, Le forçat honoraire: roman immoral (The Honorary Convict: Immoral Novel), is even available as an ebook [The Online Books Page]. He was also known for his literary criticism.
  • Companion to Oscar Wilde: La Jeunesse is particularly remembered for his association with Oscar Wilde, the famous writer. He was a companion and chronicler of Wilde's later years [Historical Autographs].
  • Caricaturist: La Jeunesse wasn't just a writer; he was also an artist who created caricatures [Wikipedia].
  • Published a Journal: In 1898, he even launched his own journal called "Ouste!" [Wikipedia]

If you'd like to delve deeper, you can find more information in French on Wikipedia or explore if any of his artwork is available for purchase on Artsy.

Found 1 books in total
Des soirs, des gens, des choses... (1909-1911) by Ernest La Jeunesse
Des Soirs, des Gens, des Choses... (1909-1911) is a collection of short stories and...
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