Luella Agnes Owen

Luella Agnes Owen

Luella Agnes Owen was a pioneering American speleologist and geologist who lived from 1852 to 1932. She is particularly recognized for her in-depth studies of caves in the state of Missouri.

Here's a quick summary of what we know about her:

  • Trailblazer in Speleology: Owen is credited as being one of the first women to seriously explore and document caves, particularly those in Missouri [AAUW Columbia (MO) Branch]. Her work provided valuable scientific knowledge about these geological formations.
  • Author: Owen shared her findings through her writings. One of her notable works is titled "Cave Regions of the Ozarks and Black Hills". []
  • Lifelong Learner: Owen possessed a curious mind and a thirst for knowledge. She was not only a spelunker and geologist but was well-versed in astronomy and chemistry [Wikipedia].

If you'd like to delve deeper, you can find more information about Luella Agnes Owen online, including resources from the AAUW Columbia (MO) Branch and Wikipedia.

Found 1 books in total
Cave Regions of the Ozarks and Black Hills by Luella Agnes Owen
Cave Regions of the Ozarks and Black Hills, written by Luella Agnes Owen, details her...
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