Cosmos Mindeleff

Cosmos Mindeleff

There likely isn't a single well-known author named Mindeleff. However, there are two brothers who were archaeologists and anthropologists who made significant contributions to the study of Native American cultures in the American Southwest:

  • Cosmos Mindeleff (1863-1938): Cosmos started his career as an assistant to his brother Victor. He's known for his meticulous research and detailed analysis of archaeological findings. Here are some of his achievements:

    • Published the first authoritative archaeological map of White House Ruins in Canyon de Chelly, Arizona (1893).
    • Authored the book "Aboriginal Remains in Verde Valley, Arizona," considered a seminal work in the field.
    • Dedicated his career to studying the lives and customs of indigenous peoples of the Southwest.
  • Victor Mindeleff (?-?): Information about Victor is scarcer. We know he:

    • Was employed by the Bureau of American Ethnology in the 1880s to study Pueblo architecture.
    • Collaborated with his brother Cosmos on archaeological projects.
    • Might have authored publications alongside Cosmos, though it's difficult to say definitively without more information.

Found 3 books in total
The Cliff Ruins of Canyon de Chelly, Arizona
Cosmos Mindeleff's "The Cliff Ruins of Canyon de Chelly, Arizona" likely delves into...
Navaho Houses
Cosmos Mindeleff's "Navaho Houses" likely dives into the architectural traditions and...
A Study of Pueblo Architecture Tusayan and Cibola
Victor Mindeleff's book, "A Study of Pueblo Architecture: Tusayan and Cibola, " dives...
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