George Delaw

George Delaw

Georges Delaw: French artist (1871-1938). His real name was Henri Georges Deleau. He was a designer, decorator, and illustrator known for his wide range of styles, from very simple and clean to detailed and full of characters. French Wikipedia

Someone else: There could be other people named George Delaw, such as Gregory A. George (a biology professor) or Delaware George (a historical figure). If you have any additional information about George Delaw, such as their profession or location, I may be able to narrow down the search.

Found 1 books in total
Gai, gai, marions-nous: Chansons de France by Gabriel Pierné and George Delaw
"Gai, gai, marions-nous: Chansons de France" by Gabriel Pierné and George Delaw isn't...
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