Clara Erskine Clement Waters

Clara Erskine Clement Waters


  • Born: Clara Erskine on August 28, 1834, in St. Louis, Missouri [Wikipedia]
  • Died: February 29, 1916, in Brookline, Massachusetts, at the age of 81 [Wikipedia]
  • Married twice:
    • First husband: James Hazen Clement (married in 1852) [Wikipedia]
    • Second husband: Edwin Forbes Waters (married in 1882) [Wikipedia]


  • American author and traveler [Wikipedia]
  • Known for her prolific writing, with over 100 books on Goodreads, including works on art history, literature, and travel [Goodreads]
  • Some of her most popular works include:
    • A History of Art for Beginners and Students [Project Gutenberg, Goodreads]
  • Extensive travels throughout her life, including Europe, Palestine, Turkey, and a world tour [Wikipedia]

Possible areas for further research:

  • Specific titles and content of her books beyond "A History of Art for Beginners and Students"
  • Details about her travels and how they influenced her writing
  • Impact of her work on the field of art history or literature

While some information about Clara Erskine Clement Waters is readily available online, there might be limited details on specific aspects of her life and work. Further exploration through online resources or libraries could provide a more comprehensive picture of her contributions.

Found 1 books in total
A History of Art for Beginners and Students Painting, Sculpture, Architecture
"A History of Art for Beginners and Students: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture" by...
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