Mrs. Marcet

Mrs. Marcet

  • Lived: 1769 - 1858 (England)
  • Occupation: Science writer, educationalist, salonnière (hostess of intellectual gatherings)
  • Known for: Pioneering popular science books, particularly "Conversations on Chemistry" (1806) which made scientific concepts accessible to a wider audience, including women and children.
  • Other works: Wrote books on political economy, natural philosophy, and grammar. Advocated for women's education through her writing.

Jane Marcet's work was innovative for its time. She broke ground by explaining complex subjects in a clear and engaging way, making science more approachable for everyone.

Found 1 books in total
Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2
Conversations on Chemistry, Volumes 1 & 2 by Mrs. Marcet (likely Jane Marcet) is...
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