Frith and Kingston

Frith and Kingston

While "Frith and Kingston" are often listed together as authors, they are actually credited as two separate contributors. Here's a breakdown of what we know about each:

Henry Frith

  • There's less biographical information readily available about Henry Frith.
  • We know for sure that he collaborated with W. H. G. Kingston on at least two books:
    • "Notable Voyagers: From Columbus to Nordenskiold"
    • "Great African Travellers"

W. H. G. Kingston (William Henry Giles Kingston)

  • A more prominent figure, W. H. G. Kingston was a prolific writer known for boys' adventure stories.
  • He lived from 1814 to 1880.
  • Some details about his life include:
    • Born in London, England.
    • Developed a love for the sea at a young age.
    • Briefly attended Cambridge University before pursuing writing.
  • Wrote numerous books, likely including many solo works besides his collaborations with Frith.

Their Work Together

  • Frith and Kingston's collaborations focused on compiling anthologies about explorers and adventurers.
  • "Notable Voyagers" chronicles the history of exploration from Columbus to Nordenskiold.
  • "Great African Travellers" likely follows a similar format, highlighting explorers who ventured into Africa.

In Conclusion

  • Frith and Kingston worked together on at least two books about explorers.
  • W. H. G. Kingston was the more established author, while Henry Frith's role seems to be primarily as a collaborator on these specific works.
Found 1 books in total
Notable Voyagers, From Columbus to Nordenskiold
"Notable Voyagers, From Columbus to Nordenskiold, " edited by W. H. G. Kingston and...
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