Gérard de Nerval

Gérard de Nerval

French Romantic Writer (1808-1855): Gérard de Nerval was the pen name of Gérard Labrunie, a major figure in French Romanticism. His work influenced both the Symbolist and Surrealist movements. BritannicaPoet, Translator, and Travel Writer: Nerval excelled in various literary forms. He wrote poetry, translated works like Goethe's Faust (praised by Goethe himself!), and penned travelogues. WikipediaThemes and Legacy: Nerval's work explored dreams, memory, and the exploration of the self. His tragic death shrouded his life in mystery, but his writings continue to be admired for their depth and beauty. Larousse
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Le rêve et la vie - Les filles du feu - La bohème galante by Gérard de Nerval
Le Rêve et la Vie (The Dream and Life) is a novella by Gérard de Nerval, first...
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