Robert de La Sizeranne

Robert de La Sizeranne

Robert de La Sizeranne was a French art critic and writer who lived from 1866 to 1932. Here's a quick summary about him:

  • Expertise: He was particularly interested in 19th century English art, the Italian Renaissance, the ideas of art critic John Ruskin, and photography.
  • Famous Work: His most well-known publication is English Contemporary Art (1895), which helped establish him as an authority on British art history.
  • Nationality: French

Found 2 books in total
Les questions esthétiques contemporaines
Les Questions Esthétiques Contemporaines (Contemporary Aesthetic Questions) is a book...
L'art pendant la guerre 1914-1918 by
The book "L'Art pendant la guerre 1914-1918" by Robert de La Sizeranne explores how...
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