James Slough Zerbe

James Slough Zerbe

  • Lifespan: Ancestry.com records indicate a James Slough Zerbe born in 1849 in Womelsdorf, Pennsylvania and deceased in 1921.
  • Authorship:
    • His books on Amazon primarily include:
      • Aeroplanes (public domain)
      • Electricity for Boys (availability unclear)
    • Project Gutenberg lists him as the author of the public domain e-book Aeroplanes.
    • Wikipedia mentions him as the designer of the Zerbe Sextuplane, suggesting he might have written about aviation or engineering besides fiction.

Beyond these details, there's limited information available online about James Slough Zerbe's life, background, or other works.

Here are some suggestions for further research:

  • Library searches: Look for his books in physical libraries or library catalogs. These might offer biographical information or introductions that shed light on his life and achievements.
  • Newspapers.com: Search historical newspaper archives (subscription required) to see if there are any mentions of James Slough Zerbe or his inventions. This might uncover articles about the Zerbe Sextuplane or other endeavors.
  • Patent records: If Zerbe patented any inventions related to aviation or engineering, you might find them in patent databases.
Found 2 books in total
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