Edmund Gibson

Edmund Gibson

Edmund Gibson was a prominent figure in 18th century England who wore many hats. Here's a quick summary:

  • Church of England Leader: He served as a bishop, holding the positions of Bishop of Lincoln (1716-1720) and Bishop of London (1723-1748). The Bishop of London held a significant position within the Church of England.
  • Legal Scholar: Gibson was an expert in church law, authoring influential works like "Synodus Anglicana" (1702) and "Codex Juris Ecclesiae Anglicanae" (1713).
  • Antiquarian: He had a keen interest in history and antiquities. One notable contribution was his new edition of William Camden's "Britannia" (1695), a significant work on British history and geography.
  • Political Figure: Gibson played a role in British politics. He reportedly had an agreement with Prime Minister Robert Walpole to ensure clergy loyal to the government were appointed to influential positions within the Church of England.
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