Rilla of Ingleside

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Genres: canada
Language: english
Type: Digital

Rilla of Ingleside: A Summary

Setting: Ingleside, Prince Edward Island, Canada; World War I era

Main Character: Bertha Marilla "Rilla" Blythe, the youngest daughter of Anne and Gilbert Blythe

Plot: Rilla, a spirited and independent young woman on the cusp of adulthood, faces the challenges and anxieties of growing up amidst the backdrop of World War I. As her brothers enlist and the shadow of the war looms over her idyllic life, Rilla grapples with questions of duty, patriotism, loss, and love.

Key Events:

  • Rilla's brothers, Jem and Walter, go off to fight in the war.
  • Rilla impulsively adopts an orphaned baby found in a soup tureen, naming him David.
  • She navigates the complexities of wartime society, volunteering for the war effort and facing societal expectations.
  • Rilla experiences romantic entanglements and heartbreak.
  • News of her brothers' fate brings both joy and sorrow.
  • The war ends, leaving Rilla and her community forever changed.


  • Coming-of-age in a time of war
  • Family, love, and loss
  • Patriotism and sacrifice
  • Resilience and hope
  • The impact of war on individuals and communities


  • Rilla's journey represents the experiences of many young women during World War I who had to navigate new roles and responsibilities while facing uncertainty and loss.
  • The novel offers a poignant portrayal of the anxieties and emotional toll of war on civilians.
  • Montgomery's vivid descriptions of life on Prince Edward Island create a strong sense of place and community.
  • Rilla's character development showcases her growth, bravery, and compassion in the face of adversity.


  • Rilla of Ingleside is considered a significant work of Canadian literature, offering a unique perspective on the First World War.
  • The novel continues to resonate with readers today due to its timeless themes and exploration of human experiences during challenging times


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